Journal Articles
21. Sahli M., Mansour E., Kalnis P., "ACME: A Scalable Parallel System for Extracting Frequent Patterns from a Very Long Sequence", Very Large Data Base Journal (VLDB-J), 2014.
20. Zuhair Khayyat, Karim Awaraka, Amani Alonazi, Hani Jamjoom, Dan Williams and Panos Kalnis,”Mizan: A System for Dynamic Load Balancing in Large-scale Graph Processing,” In Proceedings of the 8th ACM European conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys), Prague, Czech Republic, April 2013.
19. Mansour E., Allam A., Skiadopoulos S., Kalnis P., "ERA: Efficient Serial and Parallel Suffix Tree Construction for Very Long Strings", (to appear) Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), 12 pages, 2012.
18. Ghinita G., Kalnis P., Kantarcioglu M., Bertino E., "Approximate and Exact Hybrid Algorithms for Private Nearest-Neighbor Queries with Database Protection", (to appear) Geoinformatica, 2011.
17. Yiu M.L., Assent I., Jensen C.S., Kalnis P., "Outsourced Similarity Search on Metric Data Assets", (to appear) IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (IEEE TKDE), 2011.
16. Terrovitis M., Mamoulis N., Kalnis P., "Local and global recoding methods for anonymizing set-valued data", Very Large Data Base Journal (VLDB-J), 20(1), 83-106, 2011.
15. Cao J., Karras P., Kalnis P., Tan K.L., "SABRE: a Sensitive Attribute Bucketization and REdistribution Framework for t-closeness", Very Large Data Base Journal (VLDB-J), 20(1), 59-81, 2011.
14. Ghinita G., Kalnis P., Tao Y., "Anonymous Publication of Sensitive Transactional Data", IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (IEEE TKDE), 23(2), 161-174, 2011.
13. Tao Y., Yi K., Sheng C., Kalnis P., "Efficient and Accurate Nearest Neighbor and Closest Pair Search in High-Dimensional Space", ACM Transactions on Data Base Systems (ACM TODS), 35(3), 20:01-20:46, 2010.
12. Yiu M.L., Ghinita G., Jensen CS., Kalnis P., "Enabling Search Services on Outsourced Private Spatial Data", Very Large Data Base Journal (VLDB-J), 19(3), 363-384, 2010.
11. Ghinita G., Zhao K., Papadias D., Kalnis P., "A Reciprocal Framework for Spatial K-anonymity", Information Systems, 35(3), 299-314, 2010.
10. Gkoulalas-Divanis A., Kalnis P., Verykios V., "Providing K-Anonymity in location based services", SIGKDD Explorations, 12(1), 3-10, 2010.
9. Ghinita G., Karras P., Kalnis P., Mamoulis N., "A Framework for Efficient Data Anonymization under Privacy and Accuracy Constraints", ACM Transactions on Data Base Systems (ACM TODS), 34(2), 47 pages, 2009.
8. Manegold S., Manolescu I., Afanasiev L., Feng J., Gou G., Hadjieleftheriou M., Harizopoulos S., Kalnis P., Karanasos K., Laurent D., Lupu M., Onose N., Re C., Sans V., Senellart P., Wu T., Shasha D., "Repeatability and workability evaluation of SIGMOD 2009", SIGMOD Record, 38(3), 40-43, 2009.
7. Terrovitis M., Mamoulis N., Kalnis P., "Privacy-preserving Anonymization of Set-valued Data", Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), 1(1), 115-125, 2008.
6. Zhu Z., Kalnis P., Bakiras S., "DCMP: A Distributed Cycle Minimization Protocol for Peer-to-Peer Networks", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (IEEE TPDS), 19(3), 363-377, 2008.
5. Kalnis P., Ghinita G., Mouratidis K., Papadias D., "Preventing Location-Based Identity Inference in Anonymous Spatial Queries", IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (IEEE TKDE), 19(12), 1719-1733, 2007.
4. Kalnis P., Ng W.S., Ooi B.C., Tan K.L., "Answering Similarity Queries in Peer-to-Peer Networks", Information Systems, 31(1), 57-72, 2006.
3. Zhang R., Kalnis P., Ooi B.C., Tan K.L., "Generalized Multi-dimensional Data Mapping and Query Processing", ACM Transactions on Data Base Systems (ACM TODS), 30(3), 661-697, 2005.
2. Kalnis P., Papadias D., "Multi-query Optimization for On-Line Analytical Processing", Information Systems, 28(5), 457-473, 2003.
1. Kalnis P., Mamoulis N., Papadias D., "View Selection Using Randomized Search", Data & Knowledge Engineering (DKE), 42(1), 89-111, 2002.
Conference papers:











Book chapters
5. Kalnis P., Ghinita G., "Spatial Anonymity", Encyclopedia of Database Systems, Springer, ISBN 978-0-387-49616-0, 2685-2690, 2009.
4. Kalnis P., "Distributed Spatial Databases", Encyclopedia of Database Systems, Springer, ISBN 978-0-387-49616-0, 920-925, 2009.
3. Mamoulis N., Bakiras S., Kalnis P., "Top-k OLAP Queries Using Augmented Spatial Access Methods", Encyclopedia of GIS, Springer, ISBN 978-0-387-30858-6, 1156-1161, 2008.
2. Kalnis P., Ghinita G., "Olap Results, Distributed Caching", Encyclopedia of GIS, Springer, ISBN 978-0-387-30858-6, 805-809, 2008.
1. Tok W.H., Bressan S., Kalnis P., Zheng B., "Chapter VIII - Spatial Data on the Move", Handbook of Research on Mobile Multimedia, Idea Group Reference, ISBN 1-59140-866-0, 103-118, 2006.